Fees*: Players pay the $75 sports fee to SMCS and an additional $50 fee paid to Ft Walton Beach Golf Course to cover the use of practice facilities, range balls, and playing the course (this is a junior membership, good for 1 year).
Paperwork: Your child needs current sports paperwork on file to play.
Equipment/uniform: a set of golf clubs (not needed immediately), black bottoms (shorts, skorts, pants), SMCS Hat or Visor, and an SMCS Polo Shirt (shirt and visor supplied by SMCS).
Practice attire can be anything, school uniform suffices. School dress code always applies.
Transportation: The players will be allowed to ride the Niceville bus to the course after school. You may transport your own child if you choose. Players need to be picked up at the end of practice, promptly at 5:00 p.m. Please be respectful of our coaches' time.
Club Storage: Coach Brooks has a Trailer to store players clubs so they do not have to carry them back and forth each day.
* Speak with me if fees are prohibitive to your student participating.
Volunteer Coaches: Brooks Walters, 916 276-9789, brooks.walters4@gmail.com Richard Villa 602-574-9714
Feel free to contact Athletic Director-Julia Doane or Coach Walters for more information.