As Catholics, we believe in objective, absolute Truth which is to say that some Truth exists independent and external to me, the subject. It exists even if no one believes it. It exists even if we cease to exist (think about math, science, or any other moral truths, e.g. 2+2 = 4 even if I cease to exist or I didn't believe it). Moreover, we believe this Truth has a name.
During Jesus’ earthly ministry, He said “I am the way, the Truth, and the life.” (Jn 14:6) To say that Jesus is Truth is to say that any truth that exists in the world proceeds from, flows from, finds its origin in the very nature of God. It follows then…
Goal #1 |
Goal #2 |
Goal#3 |
Saint Mary School will use technology for student-centered learning so students can gather, evaluate, and use information from digital sources to create products and increase academic achievement in order to be prepared for society that is dominated by digital communication. |
The Saint Mary Catholic School community will develop and implement a School-wide Family Stewardship Program to assist all stakeholders in nurturing their faith, and will provide service opportunities for faith formation and individual awareness of the importance of Catholic Social Teachings. |
Weekly Mass Attendance: Students in PK3 through 8th grade attend Mass weekly and on Holy Days. Students in grades 2 through 8 participate as:
altar servers
gift bearers
choir members
Special Liturgies and Events: Throughout the year, students plan, prepare, and/or participate in:
Adoration and Holy Hours
Classroom visits from priests
the Living Rosary
Advent prayer services
Reconciliation services
Stations of the Cross
the Chrism Mass
May Crowning
8th-grade graduation Mass
Alma Redemptoris Mater (Kindly Mother of the Redeemer)
First Sunday of Advent until Candlemas (Feb 2)
Loving Mother of our Redeemer, gate of heaven, star of the sea,
help us who have fallen and strive to rise again.
To the wonder of nature you, a virgin, gave birth to Jesus.
You who received Gabriel's joyful greeting, have pity on us poor sinners. (revised)
Ave Regina Coelorum (Hail, Queen of Heaven)
Day after Candlemas (Feb3) until Easter Vigil
Hail Queen of Heaven.
Hail Lady of Angels
Hail the root, hail the gate
From whom the True Light was born.
Rejoice, glorious Virgin,
Lovely beyond all others.
Most beautiful lady,
Pray for us to Christ. (revised)
Regina Coeli (Queen of Heaven)
Easter Eve until Pentecost Sunday
Queen of Heaven, rejoice, alleluia!
Because the Son you were chosen to bear, alleluia!
Has risen, as He said, alleluia!
Pray for us to God, alleluia!
Rejoice and be glad, O Virgin Mary, alleluia!
Because the Lord is truly risen, alleluia! (revised)
Salve Regina (Hail, Holy Queen)
Day after Pentecost until end of liturgical year
Hail, holy Queen, Mother of mercy, our life, our sweetness and our hope.
To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve.
To thee to we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears.
Turn, then, most gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us,
and after this, our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.
Virtues in Practice: Using this program, which is designed to help students grow closer to Jesus by imitating His life and virtues, the entire school studies the same virtue each month. This provides a whole-school (and whole-family) focus. Twenty-seven virtues are explored over a three-year cycle, with 81 saints held up as models of the virtues.
Each month one student from every class is chosen as the Servant of the Lord. These students are selected by their teachers for modeling the Virtue of the Month.
At the end of each school year, two students from each class are chosen to receive the Religion Award for demonstrating the qualities of one who walks with Jesus every day.
Service Projects: Throughout the year, students are provided with opportunities to participate in service through activities including - but not limited to:
various projects in conjunction with Catholic Charities
CRS Rice Bowl
Catholic Schools Week projects
Work with Food for Thought
Children’s Advocacy Center donations
Box of Joy donations
"Change for Life" Baby Bottle Drive for FWB Center for Women