Students in kindergarten through third grade go to P.E. three times a week. They should have a separate pair of shoes for P.E. These shoes should by suitable for athletics, have a rubber sole and fit securely. If these shoes have laces, the child should know how to tie them on their own.
If a student should not, or cannot participate in P.E. for a medical reason, he/she should bring a note from the doctor or parent stating this. It should also state when the child will be cleared for participation.
Physical education classes for these students focus on skill development and increasing fitness. Skills are practiced in small group stations as well as in simple game situations.
The students learn to enjoy being physically active in a group environment while acquiring athletic skills they can use in the future.
In grades 4-8, the students continue to develop their fitness level and sports skills. They progressively participate in traditional sports and team activities. They learn how to be a contributing member of a team, while showing respect for both their teammates and their opponents. They are always encouraged to actively participate during P.E. class, as well as to stay active and healthy outside of school.