Winter Sport Soccer Practice
Practice Starts Monday October 23,2023
Monday-Friday 3:00-4:30
Saint Mary Soccer Field
Bring a water bottle and Join Remind to receive information.
Information for the 2023-24 Season:
ALL partipants MUST have
MS Sports Packages (Including Physical) on file
BEFOREConditioning, Try-Outs or Practice
Boys coaches- Kemar Delisser
Girls coaches- John Morrison, Brooks Walters
Home Games Uniform: Royal Blue Jersey/Royal Blue Shorts/Royal Blue Socks
Away Games Uniform: White Jersey/Royal Blue Shorts/ White Socks
In case of Unforeseen Conflict Please bring all uniforms to all games
Our home field is Megis Middle School in Shalimar.
We need parents to help at home games. We need volunteers at the admissions booth and post-game clean up. It is necessary for all parents to pitch in to help with these duties. Please check Remind to Sign-up.
Make sure all your sports paperwork is current for this year.
The $75 sports fee will be charged to your FACTS Account.
Athletes will need soccer cleats, running shoes, shin guards, #5 ball,
water bottle, and appropriate clothing.
Remind 101- text reminders about soccer games and practices
dial- 81010
for boys soccer text @smcsboys